
Leden van de ZigZagCie:

Tobias Kuiper (voorzitter)

Karen Stuitje

Ben Blankenborg

Jippe De Haan

Sabina Kamerling

Joep Nijenhuis

Francisca Duarte Suantos Mendes Reis

Hessel Beijaard

Danaya Wisse

Floor Zoetmulder

Once in a while, a select group of GSAC’ers meet to converse about the latest development in the world of GSAC. This group is also called the ZigZagCie. It is an undisputed fact that this committee is one of the most important governing bodies within the GSAC, and with reason: the ZigZagCie keeps members up-to-date on ins and outs of the association. To do this properly, we systematically interrogate GSAC-members and we infiltrate other SACs, so we don’t miss a thing.