Welcome to the website of the Groninger Studenten Alpen Club (GSAC): THE mountaineering association of Groningen! The GSAC focusses on climbing, alpinism, bouldering and winter sports: basically everything that has to do with mountains. Every year we organise many climbing weekends, a summer week, a winter week, weekly climbing trainings, climbing competitions, socials and parties.


Zomer MP cursus
  • Educatief
  • Innertkirchen - Bernese Alps


Intro sign-ups closed, but...

  • Vereniging

Sign-ups for intro groups are now closed, but as a new member you can still attend the special introduction activities and join the groupchat...

Sign Up For The IntroPeriod

  • Vereniging

Sign up here for the IntroPeriod!  

Intro BBQ

  • Vereniging

Our yearly intro BBQ is approaching and it's promised to be a lot of fun! The BBQ is September 4th and will start at 16h00 till 00h00 at...

Receiving a ZigZag

  • Vereniging

In order to waste less paper, we decided to put back the settings for receiving a ZigZag to no for ALL members. If you would still like to...

Lustrum update

  • Vereniging

Sadly, because of the current lockdown we have some unfortunate news. In order to respect the current covid measures and minimize the spread...