De WinterCie organiseert één wintersportvakantie in het begin van het jaar. De NSAC organiseert verder diverse cursussen. Verder bestaan er binnen de GSAC mogelijkheden voor specifieke wintersportevenementen zoals toerskiën. Neem contact op met het bestuur of de WinterCie als je interesse, ideeën of suggesties hebt!
Klik op de volgende link voor het promotiefilmje:
---- In Nederlands ----
----- In English-----
The first snow is already falling in the Alps, so it's time for us to get skis and snowboards out of the wax again! Are you a wintersports enthusiast or are you still making the snowplough? Then we have good news for you! From March 10-19, 2023, GSAC will head south to enjoy 10 days of sun, snow and lots of winter sports. The ski area where we will go is Valfrejus, this includes 6 (optionally even 7!) days filled with skiing delight. The skipas includes around 350km of pistes.
We will leave on friday early in the evening and come back somewhere in the afternoon on sunday.
In the price estimate of ~€350, the skipas, accommodation and transport is included. Our plan is to provide breakfast and some dinners as well, which will be cooked in the awesome apartments we picked for everyone. More information on that later.
Please note ski/snowboarding rental is not included in the price, if you want this it will be somewhere between 70 and 120 euros depending on the quality level.
Sign ups will start from Tuesday onwards with first come first serve, so better be on time if you want to join us on this awesome trip!
Signup link:
Winter greetings,
The Wintercie '22-'23