Welkom op de site van de Groninger Studenten Alpen Club (GSAC): DE bergsportvereniging van Groningen!  De GSAC houdt zich bezig met klimmen, alpinisme, boulderen en wintersport: kortom alles wat met bergen te maken heeft. We organiseren elk jaar vele klimweekenden, een zomerweek, een wintersportweek, wekelijkse klimtrainingen, klimwedstrijden, borrels en feesten.


Sign-ups for the intro period are now closed

  • Vereniging

Sign-ups for intro groups are now closed, but as a new member you can still attend the special introduction activities and join the groupchat...

Sign-ups for the intro period are now open!

  • Vereniging

Dear fellow mountain lovers 🗻🩷, As we all know, the best time of the year is coming up, ✨the introduction period✨! This event is for all...

Intro sign-ups closed, but...

  • Vereniging

Sign-ups for intro groups are now closed, but as a new member you can still attend the special introduction activities and join the groupchat...

Sign Up For The IntroPeriod

  • Vereniging

Sign up here for the IntroPeriod!  

Intro BBQ

  • Vereniging

Our yearly intro BBQ is approaching and it's promised to be a lot of fun! The BBQ is September 4th and will start at 16h00 till 00h00 at...

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